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The banking world is changing fast: digital banking, FinTechs, Final Basel 3 (Basel 4) regulations on capital and liquidity, and regional economic integration.
As banks are shifting from an overriding concern for revenue growth to a preoccupation with long-term value creation and risk control, knowledge of Asset & Liability Management (ALM) is becoming a necessity for all bankers accountable for the results of a profit center. ALM includes a set of tools that ensure that strategy, risk-avoidance or risk-taking, pricing, and performance measurement are consistent with the corporate objectives set by senior management and the board and the regulatory constraints imposed by central banks, such as Basel 2 or Final Basel 3.

A unique feature of the programme is to anchor the discussion on a sound bank valuation model that identifies in a transparent manner the drivers of value creation. It forms the basis of the applied book that will be distributed to the participants Bank Valuation and Value-based Management (J. Dermine, Mc Graw-Hill, NY, 2nd edition, 2015).
Programme Outline
Learning Objectives
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Develop key performance indicators related to pricing, balance sheet management and off-balance sheet control
  • Identify product profitability, risk factors, capital adequacy, taxation and stock market value
  • Develop strategic pricing in a competitive environment and in-depth analysis of market prospects, teams' strategies and competitive positioning
  • Evaluate modern risk management techniques to cover both credit and market risks
  • Negotiate the pricing of Interest Rate Swaps and the Sale of Loans

Programme Outline
  • DAY 1

    Morning Session: Driver of Value Creation

    • Corporate Financial Goals
    • Price-to-Book Ratio, Winners and Losers in a Fast-Changing World (JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Barclays, UBS, Mizuho)
    • Decentralisation and Profit Centre Management
    • RAROC, Economic Profit, Capital Allocation and Advanced Fund Transfer Pricing

    ALCO Challenge Simulation, Decision 1 – Results Reading and Review Pricing and Market Shares

    Afternoon Session: The Credit - Fixed Income Market

    • Capital allocation from Basel 1 to Final Basel 3
    • The Credit Market: from loans to securitisation, corporate bonds issuance, peer-to-peer lending and market place funding
    • Case Study: Lending Club
    • IFRS 9 expected loss provisioning, performance indicators and compensation

    ALCO Challenge Simulation, Decision 2 – Results Reading and Review Pricing and Market Shares

    • Q&A and Review
  • DAY 2

    Morning Session: The Management & Control of Liquidity and Market Risks on Trading Book

    • ALM and accounting rules for trading book and fair value through other comprehensive income (FVTOCI)
    • Liquidity Management Tools
    • Control of interest rate risk, earnings at risk and economic value of equity at risk
    • Control of market risk, VAR and Expected Shortfall
    • Basel Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB)

    ALCO Challenge Simulation, Decision 3 – Results Reading and Review Pricing and Market Shares

    Afternoon Session: New Regulatory Architecture with Special Resolution Regime and Bail-In Bonds

    • New regulatory architecture with bail-in bonds
    • Cases of international restructuring
    • FinTech and financial institutions

    ALCO Challenge Simulation, Decision 4 – Results Reading and Review Pricing and Market Shares

    • Value Creation and Risk Control – What could go wrong?
    • Q&A and Review
The programme is a mix of lecture-discussions to introduce the concepts and practice with the banking simulation ALCO Challenge. Participants are grouped into teams which represent the Asset & Liability Committee (ALCO) in charge of value creation, sustainable growth and risk control. The applied setting of a simulation and group work helps greatly to experience the leadership issues of complexity, scarcity of time, delegation of tasks, as well as behavioural biases such as overconfidence, herding and anchoring. A unique feature of the ALCO Challenge is that it includes advanced control tools that help participants to understand the sources of profitability and risks. The ALCO Challenge is compliant with Basel 2 and Final Basel 3 regulations.
Participant profile
  • Senior executives from financial institutions in private banking, corporate, investment banking, retail lending and treasury dealers
  • Members of the asset and liability committee (ALCO), group finance, auditors and risk controls
Dr. Jean Dermine
Co-author of the ALCO Challenge
Note: All information on this page is correct but may be subject to change.
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Dr. Massimo Massa
Rothschild Chaired Professor of Banking and Professor of Finance, INSEAD
Dr. Jean Dermine is co-author of the ALCO Challenge, the computer-based asset and liability management in banking training simulation used around the world. For this programme, he will introduce its concepts and have participants practice with the ALCO Challenge simulation in teams, each of which represents the Asset-Liability Committee (ALCO) of a bank. Participants will also receive a signed copy of his seminal book on creating value in banking, Bank Valuation and Value-based Management (J. Dermine, Mc Graw-Hill, NY, 2nd edition, 2015).

He has been a Visiting Professor at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, at the Universities of Louvain and Lausanne, CESAG in Dakar, as well as Visiting Fellow at New York University, and Guest Professor at the Göteborg and Stockholm Schools of Economics. As a consultant/director of training programmes, he has worked with international banks, accounting and consulting firms, national central banks, European Central Bank, Bank for International Settlements, HM Treasury, the OECD, the World Bank, the European Commission, and the Mentor Forum for the US Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice. His work has been profiled in the international press, including The Economist, Financial Times, New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

Dr. Jean Dermine is Professor of Banking and Finance, and Director of Executive Education programmes on Strategic Management in Banking and Risk Management in Banking at INSEAD, one of the world’s top business schools. He is also the founder of the INSEAD Centre for International Financial Services.

Author of numerous articles on banking and Asset & Liability Management, Dr Jean Dermine has published 5 books, including Bank Valuation and Value-based Management (deposit and loan pricing, performance evaluation and risk management), McGraw-Hill, NY, 2nd edition, 2015 (with translation in Chinese and Portugese-Brazil).
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Asian Banking School
The ALCO Challenge: Asset & Liability Management (ALM) for Financial Institutions
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