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Some leaders try to stand firm like oak trees against the turbulent changes coming their way. They believe in ‘tightening the nuts and bolts’, reinforcing their controls until the storm passes.
Other leaders are like bamboo, prepared to flex and be agile during turbulence. Today’s leaders and their organisations must have the ability to respond creatively to unpredictable challenges and opportunities in the VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) world.

Peter Drucker said the greatest danger in times of turbulence is not turbulence itself, but to act with yesterday’s logic. For successful digital transformation, organisations are looking for high performance leaders who are intelligent, adaptive, hyperaware, and have high emotional and social communication skills to ensure future sustainability. The programme discusses how global challenges such as emerging technology, sustainability, and geopolitical challenges are making leaders realise that the hierarchical and linear approach to leadership is no longer working and a new narrative is required to lead in a complex adaptive environment.

Leaders need to be intuitive and explore new reasoning to lead during disruptive times. Agility is not just about technology but the ability to take swift actions due to disruptive innovation such as AI, block chain, cloud computing and data analytics. Today’s customers are more demanding and hence, it is necessary to create a compelling customer experience journey by applying human centre design and job-to-be-done theories in product development. Successful digital transformation is not just technology transformation, but also cultural transformation. This two-day programme will discuss cases on how international banks have successfully transformed their once bureaucratic structure into an agile organisation.
Programme Outline
Learning Objectives
By the end of the programme, participants will be able to:

  • Understand ABCDI - the impact that technology is having on different sectors of finance, especially Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, and Internet of Things. (Case studies – Neo & Challenger Banks, Digital banks in Malaysia and Asian Region, Application of Block Chain in Smart Contract Trade Finance).
  • Define the role of a High-Performance Agile Leader (H-PAL) to successfully bring about cultural and digital transformation by creating a safe place for employees to innovate, setting challenging goals, being empathetic and having resilience to fail fast and learn fast. (Case study – Leadership Style of DBS Bank CEO – Piyush Gupta).
  • Explain how the digital revolution is having a significant impact on the future of work by creating new roles and demands for hiring new skills, including the need to adapt and accelerate upskilling/reskilling, fresh approach to learning and development and retaining the right talent (Case study – Judo Bank Australia).
  • Examine the impact disruptive technology has on current management practices and the future role of H-PAL in aligning organisation culture and people strategy with sustainable business strategy. (Case Study – Netflix, OCBC Singapore).
  • Evaluate using a case-based approach, how established banks can respond to the emergence of fintechs and digital banks from the standpoint of Strategy, Leadership, Culture, Technology and Customers.

Programme Outline
  • Module 1
    Examines the key technologies, i.e., ABCDI that is transforming banking today. Understand the rise of challenger banks and neo banks that Bank Negara Malaysia states may take 25% of the market share of incumbent banks. The five digital banks in Malaysia and others in the ASEAN region are explored. We look at how Fintechs are challenging incumbent banks in the payment, lending and eWallet space.
  • Module 2
    Examines the role of H-PAL in creating a culture of psychological safety in digital and cultural transformation. The module discusses how DBS Bank in Singapore transformed from a ‘Damn Bloody Slow” bureaucratic government bank to become the top Digital Bank of Singapore for four consecutive years. The case study examines how by applying first principle strategy and leadership thinking the DBS management team successfully transformed DBS.
  • Module 3
    Examines the digital bank, Judo Bank Australia’s journey to transform its culture. The reason for the change is because the current cultural model and systems were not future ready. Judo Bank embarked on a journey to transform its culture to deliver on the people, strategy, and priorities, ultimately accelerating the execution of the business strategy via a modern digital workforce.
  • Module 4
    Examines the role of H-PAL in rethinking the organisation’s business model. We will examine the case of Blockbuster which was one of the most profitable companies in the world that was almost unchallenged until a small start-up called Netflix killed Blockbuster though innovation and building a culture of innovation and empowerment. We will also look at OCBC Bank, Singapore which by understanding the customer’s journey and applying design thinking captured more than 50% of the underbanked graduate students in Singapore.
Lecture, case studies, quizzes, kahoot, slides, videos, and group assignments
Participant profile
Middle Management Staff
Dr Vijayan Paramsothy
Director of Graduate Training & FSTEP, Asian Banking School
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Dr Vijayan Paramsothy
Director of Graduate Training & FSTEP, Asian Banking School
Dr Vijayan Paramsothy the Director of Graduate Training & FSTEP at the Asian Banking School. He started his career working in one of the big 8 Chartered Accountants and Management Consultancy firms in the UK. He has over 20 years of banking experience working in local and foreign banks up to a senior management level, ranging over a diverse range of disciplines.

He is currently involved in structuring bespoke technical and soft skill programmes for banks. In addition, he is involved in the curriculum working committee for professional qualification programmes such as the Chartered Banker and Bank Risk Management. He is also a designated Chartered Banker trainer, bringing a fresh approach to self-directed learning using mind-mapping techniques, case studies and problem-based learning. Dr Vijay has published banking and finance related text books and journal articles internationally, including, “Success Factors for the Implementation of Entrepreneurial Knowledge Management in Malaysian Banks” (Journal of Information & Knowledge Management, 2013).

Dr Vijay holds an Honours Degree in Accounting and Finance from Scotland, a Master of Science Degree in Multimedia Technology (Banking), a Doctor of Business Administration (Banking Strategy and Marketing) from Australia, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Knowledge Management in Banking) from Malaysia. He recently successfully completed his Chartered Banker MBA from the Bangor Business School. He is also a Certified Training Professional (ARTDO) and a Certified HRD Corp trainer.
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Asian Banking School
Agile Bank Leaders in a VUCA Environment
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